Sunday, August 28, 2011

Farewell to Marge...

There was a memorial service at College Church today for one of the most wonderful and Godly women I've ever known.  Marge Gieser, who was transported to Heaven on August 12, was an amazing artist who made the banners that hung on either side of the platform -- always depicting either the season (Christmas, Easter) or the focus of that particular sermon series.  She choreographed, for lack of a better word, the special services -- organizing the children carrying their palm branches on Palm Sunday, the carrying of the banners on Easter, the silence and darkness of the Good Friday services, the "spread" across the Thanksgiving Eve service table (complete with the College Church Mouse....

And that is just a snippet of what Marge did -- that is what the people of College Church saw on a daily basis.  She was a wife, a mother, and grandmother.  Her husband and children called her blessed.  A life well lived...a life of service to others.  More than one tribute today referred to Proverbs 31....

The sanctuary was packed -- well over 1000 people there.  Our former pastor, Kent Hughes, (emeritus, now, as he has "retired" -- as much as pastors ever do -- and moved to Washington) presided.  It was wonderful seeing him again, and hearing him preach. 

The service was wonderful.  The music was transporting.  "For Alll the Saints" was never sung as triumphantly!

I don't think even Marge could have choreographed it better. 

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